Metodología para el acceso a la financiación de proyectos productivos de pequeñas y medianas empresas en el marco del mercado de capitales en Colombia
Castaño Díez, Mariana
Trujillo Tabares, Jorge Ignacio
SMEs are one of the main sources of Colombian economy growth, however, it is common to find that their term is usually less than 3 years. While there are multiple reasons to understand this phenomenon, based on the studies to be addressed in this text, the lack of adequate resources or financing mechanisms for this type of business is identified as the main cause.
After addressing some of the credit modalities that are often considered for the development of SME projects, it is found that, there is an important source of fully regulated non-bank financing in Colombia that is not yet sufficiently widely available. This is seen as a potential solution for access to the funding they require. It is financial crowdfunding or collaborative financing, an alternative financing mechanism derived from the Fintech trend, based on the foundations of the capital market.
More than a new competitor, the collaborative financing scheme is a solution for a segment neglected by the traditional banking system, which can be accessed following the methodology designed as a result of this research work.