dc.contributorBetancur Cañola, César Augusto
dc.creatorArbeláez Cifuentes, Lucas Ignacio
dc.identifier658.404 A664
dc.description.abstractA development project must establish in its initial stage the viability of the different components that, together, generate the possibilities of success of the initiative and thus avoid the loss of resources and efforts in a project that has definite limitations to its implementation -- ANACONA Park project will be an aquatic recreational park; the present work can establish its legal and occupational viability, understanding it as the analysis of its possibilities according to titles and ownership, allowed land use, water availability for the project involving the accessibility required according to size and projection of demand -- The work will deal with aspects such as title deeds, planning of the municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia, where the project is located, analysis of special management areas with direct influence, availability of water resources for the project, infrastructure projection and accessibility. In general, the model of territorial occupation foreseen for the direct and indirect area of influence of the project will be revised and, accordingly, to define the legal and occupational feasibility for a project that, if feasible, will contribute to the development and growth of the tourist industry in one of the most promising regions in Colombia
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Gerencia de Proyectos
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.subjectParques temáticos
dc.subjectViabilidad legal
dc.subjectParque temático - Anacona - Santa Fe de Antioquia (Antioquia - Colombia)
dc.titleViabilidad jurídica y de ocupación para el desarrollo del proyecto Parque Temático Anacona

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