dc.contributorHenao Cálad, Mónica
dc.creatorGarcía Romero, Nakary
dc.identifier658.4038 G216
dc.description.abstractOrganizations face highly complex challenges that increasingly require more innovation and creativity to stand out in the market. One of the factors that have been of great influence when it comes to innovating are the workspaces, since these are considered as the tangible physical environment where people collaborate, create and exchange knowledge to provide immediate solutions to organizations. These are considered as interaction fields that can interfere in people’s activities, in their brain processes and even in social interaction, in various ways. In this sense, this research has focused on analyzing the characteristics that workspaces have to promote the necessary conditions for the creation of organizational knowledge. Within the exposed framework, this study was focused on the analysis and connection of two central topics such as Neuroarchitecture and the Theory of organizational knowledge creation, based on the Williams’ sensorial properties principles (2013) and its variables, such as comfort, sight, sound, spaciousness, movement and vitality. These entities being influencers in the disposition of people and in their relationships at BA creation, their knowledge conversion processes, and the types of knowledge created there, based on the concepts defined by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). These concepts were key to understanding how work teams, their behaviors and emotions are the main source in the knowledge creation process and its transfer to the organizational level. Based on above and the findings obtained from the bibliographic analysis, it has been fundamental for the investigation, the analysis of the variety of authors, case studies from other organizations and the different approaches to understand the enormous importance of work environments and how companies should establish design guidelines to enhance the creation of organizational knowledge, starting from a diagnosis that allows collecting relevant information to meet the main objective of the workspaces, which will impact and transform the organization.
dc.publisherUniversidad Eafit
dc.publisherMaestría en Gerencia de la Innovación y el Conocimiento
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.subjectProcesos cerebrales
dc.subjectTeoría de creación de conocimiento organizacional
dc.subjectDiseño de espacios y creación del BA
dc.titleCreación del conocimiento a partir del diseño del espacio de trabajo

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