Análisis jurisprudencial y normativo del derecho a morir dignamente en Colombia a través de la eutanasia, en contraste con el delito de homicidio por piedad, tipificado en el artículo 106 del Código Penal Colombiano
2021Registro en:
344.04197 A445
Almánzar Agudelo, Angélica María
Currently, in the Colombian legal system there is a normative vacuum void in relation to the regularization of the right to a dignified death by means of euthanasia, and, consequently, when the crime of mercy killing is committed. This is given by, when the legal requirements of euthanasia are not met, the question arises as to whether this leads to the commission of the crime of mercy killing or not.
Over time, there have been various discussions in response to this questioning, because despite the fact this subject has been dealt with for more than 20 years by the Courts, the Congress has been repeatedly exhorted to regulate the subject, without having done it to this day.
On July 1, 2021, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection established in the Resolution number 971 the procedure for receiving, processing, and reporting euthanasia requests, as well as the guidelines to make effective the right of dying with dignity by means the euthanasia. The foregoing was thus established, taking into account what was raised by Constitutional Court in the jurisprudence, where it has repeatedly established certain criteria or parameters to guarantee said right.
Days after the Resolution was published, the Constitutional Court, based on Sentence C 233 of 2021, issued statement 27 of July 22, 2021, that extends euthanasia for non-terminal patients. With this, it is understood that the interpretation of euthanasia, and consequently, of the criminal type of mercy killing changes.
Because of the above, this paper will focus on trying to answer questions such as: What are the requirements for applying euthanasia in Colombia? When is the crime of mercy killing, established in the article 106 of the Colombian Penal Code, committed? Based on the most recent ruling of the Court, will there be legal security in the Colombian legal system, regarding an issue that still lacks any regulation by the Congress? among others.