Factores determinantes en la retención de personal, para los conductores de una empresa del sector logístico de la ciudad de Medellín
2020Registro en:
658.3 P438
Pérez Muñoz, Laura
Londoño Duque, Marcela
This research was proposed from a qualitative approach in order to identify the key factors in the personnel retention for drivers of a logistics company of the Medellín city. Additionally, the thesis highlights the permanence causes or withdraw intentions, the retention strategies, both monetary and non-monetary ones, and the conditions that facilitate or hinder retention of 10 workers interviewed.
The research was carried out at different times: in the problem statement, in the research of different works associated with the subject, throught telephone interviews with 10 participants and in the consolidation and analysis of results.
Finally, conclusions were generated based on the analysis of the results and the contrast with the theoretical framework, which may serve as input to the company to strengthen the retention strategies implemented for its workers.
Among the conclusions, it is proposed that the company under study rethinks the scope of educational assistance, preserves and strengthen the days off granted for special dates and maintains the leadership model implemented within the company.