Relación entre la implementación de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y el costo de la emisión de deuda : caso Interconexión Eléctrica ISA S.A.
2020Registro en:
658.408 A282
Agudelo Zuluaga, Simón
Saldarriaga Sierra, David
In a country with an illiquid capital market, unstable legal and political protection and high corruption indexes, and where most of the investors are foreign, takes a lot of importance for companies to give confidence to investor through the implementation of corporate governance practices, guided by the survey that the Superintendencia Financiera Colombian has had created. Today Colombian companies are the first among the Latin-American companies to be listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability index.
This research has as main objective to identify the actual relation between the implementation of corporate governance practices and the cost of debt by Interconnection Electric SA (ISA) by creating a corporate governance index and the correlation between the cost of debt and key financial indicators.