Robo Advisors: la evolución en la forma de invertir en el mercado de capitales
2018Registro en:
332.632 M798
Montoya Vélez, Angélica
Wealth management and financial advisory services are being impacted by technology through a relatively new tool known as robo advisor, which through the use of algorithms and mathematical models, and based on the risk profile of the investor, generate a recommendation of investment and execute it in the markets generally through ETFs or exchange-traded funds -- Through a bibliographic review of this service and its implementation in other countries, the feasibility of implementing this tool by brokerage firms in Colombia was established -- All this takes into account the advantages it offers, its limitations and the risks and threats for both companies and investors -- It also makes a review of the most likely customers to be attracted by this tool -- So far in developed countries’ markets, those have turned out to be the millennials, but it is possible to expect that in developing countries regardless of age, customers primarily attracted to the tool will be those that historically have been neglected as unprofitable due to low levels of potential investment -- This doesn´t rule out the fact that it can also attract larger investors and consequently robo advisors will complement financial advisors or at some point replace them