dc.contributorCano Blandón, Luisa Fernanda
dc.creatorMartínez Castrillón, Samuel David
dc.identifier342.861 M385
dc.description.abstractThis research pretends to, examine the role of the judges, when they decide cases related to a topic in which there has been a declaration of an unconstitutional state of affairs (in forward ECI) and the challenges that they have to articulate themselves with the orders given by the Constitutional Court of Colombian, in the follow up of an ECI. The study pretended by means of this investigation, it is rooted in the declaration of the ECI, generated by the massive and generalized violation of the fundamental rights of the persons deprived of their liberties, declared by de Constitutional Court by means of the judgments T-388 de 2013 and T-762 de 2015. The investigation will be center in the judgment Auto 548 de 2017, (Speaker Magistrate Gloria Stella Ortiz), in which the special court room, following the penitentiary ECI, resolved the petition made by a judge that, in face of the complexity of the case, decided taken into consideration the existence of the ECI, send it to the special court room, before mention. examine the role of the judge and the decisions he should reach in order to generate a harmonic collaboration with the authorities, to lead its actions, to the overcome of the crisis in the Colombian penitentiary system. The argument defended by this investigation, is that the existence of an ECI, does not denied the individuality of the infringement of the rights, which it is the justification the possibility to seek the action for the protection of fundamental constitutional rights, instead of the fallow up by the Constitutional Court in this topic.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherEscuela de Derecho. Departamento de Derecho
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectEstado de cosas inconstitucional
dc.subjectDerechos fundamentales
dc.subjectCorte Constitucional Colombiana
dc.subjectPoblación carcelaria
dc.subjectAcceso a la justicia
dc.subjectPrincipio de unidad de la jurisdicción
dc.subjectColaboración armónica
dc.subjectCompetencia del juez de instancia
dc.titleEstado de Cosas Inconstitucional (ECI), unidad de la jurisdicción y acceso a la justicia de las personas privadas de la libertad en Colombia

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