dc.contributorRestrepo Barth, Simón
dc.creatorCastro Marín, Daniela
dc.creatorMurillo Caballero, Laura
dc.identifier658.15 C355
dc.description.abstractBusiness decisions are sometimes made without the objectivity or proper technique, this is the case of family businesses (small or medium) where they do not have the experience or the theoretical tools to assess the company and make a correct decision to make a sale transaction at the right time -- It is for this reason that the objective of this work is to value Amadea Dinamic Wear SAS (an organization belonging to this sector), by means of the discounted cash flow method -- For the valuation of this company, a series of steps are carried out, which include: 1. -- Make a study of the industry that allows visualizing the situation in which the company is currently -- 2. -- Identify the status of your financial situation, both historical and current -- 3. -- Build a model based on this information that allows to project the cash flows -- Obtaining as a final result estimating the approximate fundamental value of the company, which allows shareholders to make decisions about the continuity of the company or the sale of it; In case it is to continue with the company, some recommendations are given for its optimal performance in the future
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Administración Financiera
dc.publisherEscuela de Economía y Finanzas
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.subjectValoración de empresas
dc.subjectAmadea Dinamic Wear S.A.S. (empresa)
dc.subjectFlujo de caja descontado
dc.titleValoración de una compañía perteneciente al sector textil por el método de flujos de caja descontados

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