Alcances y nivel de efectividad en tratamientos para el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH): Revisión de literatura
2018Registro en:
153.1532 C824
Correa Franco, Sara
Objective: Inquire about current treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and analyze their effectiveness levels -- Materials and methods: A literature review was carried out in the APA, EBSCO and Google Academic databases with the following keywords: ADHD Treatment, ADHD pharmacological treatment, ADHD Cognitive-behavioral Treatment, ADHD Neurofeedback, ADHD psychosocial intervention -- Inclusion: the inclusion criteria consisted of articles that were not more than 10 years old or at least from 2000 onwards -- Articles where clinical cases, case studies and from which conceptualization could be obtained -- Exclusion: articles not from reliable databases, articles with dates before 2000 and that did not specifically mention ADHD -- Results: 40 texts were found, of which 33 met the inclusion criteria -- Conclusion: In the last decade, the need to approach the treatment of ADHD in a multimodal manner has been emphasized