Sugerencias interpretativas para los contrabajistas de Jazz con el concierto en Re Mayor de Dittersdorff
2022Registro en:
781.46 S486
Serna Restrepo, Fabián
Althought it is true, jazz contrabassist must know the applied jazz techniques to its instrument , it is also true that it could expand its technical knowledge by learning one of jazz predecesors techniques, classical music; jazz contrabassist haves a plus point, which is the pizzicato proficency, but it must learn strings concepts like the right weight distribution in the right, the right arm accurate movement or the right wrist accurate movement and turn, to get the best posible sound when playing with the bow, subsequently, it must learn how top lay the basic musical dynamics like staccato, legato, detaché and trill. In order to practice the already mentioned techniques implicit in a specific musical piece, jazz contrabassist must start by address a piece like Karl Dittersdorff concert for double bass and piano in D mayor; this piece haves all basic musical dynamics i mentioned earlier, which are useful to approach to classical world through its instrument.