Rising home values and Covid-19 case rates in Massachusetts
Arcaya, Mariana C.
Nidam, Yael
Binet, Andrew
Gibson, Reann
Gavin, Vedette
We explore whether housing displacement pressure could help explain place-based disparities in Massachusetts
COVID-19 prevalence. We use qualitative data from the Healthy Neighborhoods Study to illustrate how rising
and unaffordable housing costs are experienced by residents in municipalities disproportionately affected by
COVID-19. We then predict municipal-level COVID-19 case rates as a function of home value increases and
housing cost burden prevalence among low-income households, controlling for previously identified communitylevel risk factors. We find that housing value increase predicts higher COVID-19 case rates, but that associations
are ameliorated in areas with higher home values. Qualitative data highlight crowding, “doubling up,” homelessness, and employment responses as mechanisms that might link housing displacement pressure to COVID-19