SARS, MERS and COVID-19 among healthcare workers: A narrative review
Xiao, Jian
Fang, Min
Chen, Qiong
He, Bixiu
Inthe recenttwodecades,three global viralinfectiousdiseases, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS), and coronavirus disease (COVID-19), have occurred worldwide. SARS occurred in November 2002, causing 8096 infected cases, as well as 774 deaths.MERS occurred
in June, 2012, causing 2519 confirmed cases, along with 866 associated deaths. COVID-19 occurred in
December 2019, as of 30 April 2020, a total of 3,024,059 clinical cases have been reported, including
208,112 deaths. Healthcare workers (HCWs) need to be in close contact with these virus-infected patients
and their contaminated environments at work, thus leading to be infected in some of them, even a few
of them are died in line of duty. In this review, we summarized the infection status of HCWs during the
outbreak of SARS, MERS and COVID-19, with in-depth discussion, hoping to provoke sufficient attention
to the HCWs infection status by more people.