Memory and popular film
Jancovich, Mark
Schaefer, Eric
Grainge, Paul
Inside Popular Film is a forum for writers who are working to develop new ways of
analysing popular film. Each book offers a critical introduction to existing debates
while also exploring new approaches. In general, the books give historically informed accounts of popular film, which present this area as altogether more complex
than is commonly suggested by established film theories.
Developments over the past decade have led to a broader understanding of
film, which moves beyond the traditional oppositions between high and low culture,
popular and avant-garde. The analysis of film has also moved beyond a concentration on the textual forms of films, to include an analysis of both the social situations
within which films are consumed by audiences, and the relationship between film and
other popular forms. The series therefore addresses issues such as the complex intertextual systems that link film, literature, art and music, as well as the production and
consumption of film through a variety of hybrid media, including video, cable and
The authors take interdisciplinary approaches, which bring together a variety
of theoretical and critical debates that have developed in film, media and cultural
studies. They neither embrace nor condemn popular film, but explore specific forms
and genres within the contexts of their production and consumption.