Unlocking challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 pandemic for cross-cutting disruption in agri-food and green deal innovations: Quo Vadis?
Rowan, Neil J.
Galanakis, Charis M.
-19 pandem
ic is on a trajectory to cause catastrophic global upheaval with the potential to alter
geopolitical and socio
-economic norms. Many countries are frantically responding with staggering financial
stimulus recovery initiatives. This opinion
-paper reviews challenges, opportunities
, and potential solutions for
the post
-19 era that focuses on intensive sustaining of agri
-food supply chain in tandem with meeting
the high demand for new green deal innovation. For example, the
development of wet peatland innovation
known as Paludiculture, can intensively sustain and blend agri
-food and green innovations that will help support
-19 pandemic transitioning. The future looks bright for the
creation of new sustainability multi
innovation hubs that will
support, connect
, and enable businesses to recover and pivot beyond the COVID
. The nexus between first ‘Green Deal’ initiative supporting 64 selected European Startups and SMEs
(European Innovation Council
) and 48 Irish Disruptive Technology projects are addressed in the context of
-cutting developments and relevance to COVID
-19. Candidate areas for future consideration will focus on
climate action, digitization, manufacturing, and sustainable food production, security, and waste mitigation
Recommendations are also provided to facilitate community transitioning, training, enterprise
, and employment
to low carbon economy.