Effect of storage time and temperature on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of commercial apricot jam
Touati, Noureddine
Tarazona-Díaz, Martha Patricia
Aguayo, Encarna
Louaileche, Hayette
Storage conditions are important factors for jam quality. The objective of this study was to monitor the
physicochemical stability and sensorial profile of apricot jam during storage for 60 days at 5 C, 25 C and
37 C. For that purpose, special attention was paid to total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA),
colour, free amino acids (FAA), total sugars (TS) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The decreasing
parameter for jam at the end of storage under 5 C, 25 C and 37 C, respectively, were 16.81%, 34.30%
and 56.01% for FAA, and 5.52%, 9.02% and 7.46% for TS; likewise, the increasing were 19.81%, 22.94%
and 25.07% for TA, 3.15%, 4.08% and 4.47% for TSS, 15.96%, 112.76% and 150% for HMF. Jam stability
was better at 5 C than 25 C and 37 C. The interaction time–temperature factor had significant effects
on pH, TS, FAA and HMF, unlike TA, TSS and sensorial profile.