Sociodemographic and psychological study on performance of students for the COVID-19 aftermath dataset
Ahmad Fesol, Siti Feirusz
Arshad, Mohd Mursyid
This paper presents the dataset of undergraduates learning
habits during and before the occurrence of pandemic COVID19 under the scope of sociodemographic and psychological aspects. This dataset consists of four (4) main sections
which are students’ demographic, psychological disruption,
students’ learning habits and integration of online sessions
with sustainability topics. A total of 37 variables were distributed via an online survey platform. The link of the online survey was circulated to the students using few social
media platforms such as WhatsApp groups, Telegram, and
faculties’ Facebook starting from June 1 until June 31, 2020.
There was a total of 668 respondents accompanied by consent were agreed to join the survey. This dataset can have
an important role for research and education in identifying
the impact on learning performance among the undergraduate students during COVID-19 pandemic based on different
sociodemographic and psychological aspects.