The hidden Markov chain modelling of the COVID-19 spreading using Moroccan dataset
Marfak, Abdelghafour
Achak, Doha
Azizi, Asmaa
Nejjari, Chakib
Aboudi, Khalid
Saad, Elmadani
Hilali, Abderraouf
Youlyouz-Marfak, Ibtissam
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in March 12,
2020 the COVID-19 disease as pandemic. In Morocco, the
first local transmission case was detected in March 13. The
number of confirmed cases has gradually increased to reach
15,194 on July 10, 2020. To predict the COVID-19 evolution,
statistical and mathematical models such as generalized logistic growth model [1], exponential model [2], segmented
Poisson model [3], Susceptible-Infected-Recovered derivative
models [4] and ARIMA [5] have been proposed and used.
Herein, we proposed the use of the Hidden Markov Chain,
which is a statistical system modelling transitions from one
state (confirmed cases, recovered, active or death) to another
according to a transition probability matrix to forecast the
evolution of COVID-19 in Morocco from March 14, to October
5, 2020. In our knowledge the Hidden Markov Chain was not
yet applied to the COVID-19 spreading. Forecasts for the cumulative number of confirmed, recovered, active and death
cases can help the Moroccan authorities to set up adequate
protocols for managing the post-confinement due to COVID-19. We provided both the recorded and forecasted data matrices of the cumulative number of the confirmed, recovered
and active cases through the range of the studied dates.