Determination of the optimal penetration factor for evaluating the invasion process of aerosols from a confined source space to an uncontaminated area
Wang, Wenlu
Yoneda, Minoru
Due to the outbreak and spread of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to survive in aerosols for hours. Viruscontaining aerosols may intrude into an uncontaminated area from a confined source space under certain ventilated conditions. The penetration factor, which is the most direct parameter for evaluating the invasion process,
can effectively reflect the penetration fraction of aerosols and the shielding efficiency of buildings. Based on the
observed concentrations of aerosols combined with a widely used concentration model, four numerical calculations of the penetration factor are proposed in this study. A theoretical time-correction Pest was applied to a sizedependent Pavg by proposing a correction coefficientr, and the error analysis of the real-time P(t) and the derived
Pd were also performed. The results indicated that Pavg supplied the most stable values for laboratory penetration
simulations. However, the time-correction is of little significance under current experimental conditions. P(t) and
Pd are suitable for rough evaluation under certain conditions due to the inevitability of particles detaching and reentering after capture. The proposed optimal penetration factor and the error analysis of each method in this
study can provide insight into the penetration mechanism, and also provide a rapid and accurate assessment
method for preventing and controlling the spread of the epidemic.