Management of oral medicine emergencies during COVID-19: A study to develop practice guidelines
Lv, Na
Sun, Ming
Polonowita, Ajith
Mei, Li
Guan, Guangzhao
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has become a significant global public health
concern. Since the announcement of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern,
many countries have implemented lockdown and restrictive quarantines; therefore, routine
dentistry, as well as oral medicine practice, have been suspended in several countries.
However, urgent oral cares and emergencies are still operated and delivered by on-call dental
practitioners. The objective of this study was to investigate the management of oral medicine
emergency during a viral pandemic such as COVID-19. During the lockdown period, digital
technologies, such as video conferencing with Zoom, Google Meeting or WhatsApp, are
useful and efficient tools that oral medicine practitioners could consider to use for patient
triage, managing emergencies, reassure, and follow patients remotely. Oral medicine
emergencies can be carefully evaluated and triaged via video conferencing and sometimes
phone contact, to avoid life-threatening risks while realising the limitations by both patient
and clinician.