Cancer patients affected by COVID-19: Experience from Milan, Lombardy
Bogani, Giorgio
Ditto, Antonino
Bosio, Sara
Brusadelli, Claudia
Raspagliesi, Francesco
Objective. SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is continuing to spread. There are growing concerns on the impact of COVID19 in cancer patients. Several papers reporting recommendations and guidelines are published. But few data on
cancer patients affected by COVID-19 are available.
Methods. This is a retrospective study including all consecutive patients affected by gynecological cancer who
developed COVID-19. All patients were treated in an academic setting (in Milan, Lombardy, Italy) between February and March 2020.
Results. Overall, 355 patients had active treatment during the study period due to newly diagnosed or recurrent gynecological disease. Among those, 19 (5.3%) patients affected developed COVID-19. All patients were
asymptomatic at the time of COVID-19 detection. Six patients were diagnosed before starting planned treatments; while the remaining 13 were diagnosed for COVID-19 after their started their treatments. Considering
the first group of six patients, one patient died due to COVID-19 3 days after the diagnosis; while the other patients recovered from COVID-19 after a median of three weeks. The latter group of 13 patients (treatments
started) included five patients who underwent surgery and eight patients who underwent chemotherapy. Focusing on five patients who were diagnosed after surgery, we observed that two patients died during postoperative
course, while in other two cases prolonged hospitalization was needed. One patient had no issues. Chemotherapy
was delayed for the remaining patents without sequelae.
Conclusions. Our report highlights that COVID-19 impacts the quality of treatments for cancer patients. Mortality rate is high, especially after surgery. More important, patients under active treatment for cancer are at high
risk of developing severe evolution of COVID-19. Prioritizing patients journey during COVID-19 is of paramount