Immunometabolic control of trained immunity
Riksen, Niels P.
Netea, Mihai G.
Innate immune cells can adopt long-term inflammatory phenotypes following brief encounters with exogenous
(microbial) or endogenous stimuli. This phenomenon is named trained immunity and can improve host defense
against (recurrent) infections. In contrast, trained immunity can also be maladaptive in the context of chronic
inflammatory disorders, such as atherosclerosis. Key to future therapeutic exploitation of this mechanism is
thorough knowledge of the mechanisms driving trained immunity, which can be used as pharmacological targets.
These mechanisms include profound changes in intracellular metabolism, which are closely intertwined with
epigenetic reprogramming at the level of histone modifications. Glycolysis, glutamine replenishment of the
tricarboxylic acid cycle with accumulation of fumarate, and the mevalonate pathway have all been identified as
critical pathways for trained immunity in monocytes and macrophages. In this review, we provide a state-of-theart overview of how these metabolic pathways interact with epigenetic programs to develop trained immunity.