Communicating, Networking: Interacting: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU
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Robertson, Margaret E.
We are all experiencing every day that globalization has brought and is bringing
far-flung places and people into ever-closer contact. New kinds of supranational
communities are emerging at an accelerating pace. At the same time, these trends do
not efface the local. Globalization is also associated with a marked reaffirmation of
cities and regions as distinctive forums of human action. All human actions remain
in one way or the other regionally and locally contextualized.
Global environmental change research has produced unambiguous scientific
insights into earth system processes, yet these are only insufficiently translated into
effective policies. In order to improve the science-policy cooperation, we need to
deepen our knowledge of sociocultural contexts, to improve social and cultural
acceptance of scientific knowledge, and to reach culturally differentiated paths to
global sustainability on the basis of encompassing bottom-up action.
The acceleration of globalization is bringing about a new world order. This
involves both the integration of natural-human ecosystems and the emergence of an
integrated global socioeconomic reality. The IYGU acknowledges that societies and
cultures determine the ways we live with and shape our natural environment. The
International Year of Global Understanding addresses the ways we live in an
increasingly globalized world and the transformation of nature from the perspective
of global sustainability-the objective the IYGU wishes to achieve for the sake of
future generations.
Initiated by the International Geographical Union (IGU), the 2016 IYGU was
jointly proclaimed by the three global umbrella organizations of the natural sciences
(ICSU), social sciences (ISSC), and the humanities (CIPSH).
The IYGU is an outreach project with an educational and science orientation
whose bottom-up logic complements that of existing UN programs (particularly the
UN's Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals) and
international research programs. It aims to strengthen transdisciplinarity across the
whole field of scientific, political, and everyday activities.