Volatility and economic growth in the twentieth Century
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instname:Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
reponame:Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Campi, Mercedes
Dueñas, Marco
The twentieth century was a period of outstanding economic growth
together with an unequal income distribution. This paper analyses the
international distribution of growth rates and its dynamics during the twentieth
century. We show that the whole century is characterized by a high heterogeneity
in the distribution of GDP per capita growth rates, which is re
ected in di erent
shapes and a persistent asymmetry of the distributions at the regional level
and for countries of di erent development levels. We nd that in the context
of the global con
icts that characterized the rst half of the twentieth century
and involved mainly large economies, the well-known negative scale relation
between volatility and size of countries is not signi cant. After the year
1956, a redistribution of volatility leads to a signi cant negative scale-relation,
which has been recently considered as a robust feature of the evolution of
economic organizations. Our results contribute with more empirical facts that
call the attention to traditional macroeconomic theories to better explain the
underlying complexity of the growth process and sheds light on its historical