Film serials and the american cinema, 1910-1940 : Operational Detection
Brasch, Ilka
In writing this book, I have had the pleasure and the honor of benefiting from
the input of many bright scholars, close friends, and simply brilliant human
beings. The single most influential person in this project was Ruth Mayer,
my adviser, who offered both encouragement and criticism throughout the
years, and who, when the project felt most overwhelming and the chapters
didn’t seem to form a flowing argument, stepped in and told me what I
needed to do to get this finished.
I am indebted to a group of people at and around the University of Hannover in Germany, who encouraged me to start the project, who shaped its
very beginnings, and who continued to be influential over the years. These
include everyone who read and commented on my chapters in the American
Studies colloquium, especially Felix Brinker, Shane Denson, Svenja Fehlhaber, Florian Groß, Christina Meyer, Bettina Soller, and Kirsten Twelbeck.
Felix deserves special credit for alerting me to the operational aesthetic of
serial forms, and Svenja for being the best possible office buddy. Additionally,
Sandra Dinter and Stefanie John proved to be invaluable friends. I thank
them for being my library family and emotional support system. Some of
the people just mentioned spent additional time reading and commenting
upon individual chapters in the final stages of this project—thank you all,
again. In Hannover I am also indebted to Kerstin Sjöstedt-Hellmuth, who
never doubted my capacity to do this in the first place.