Process analytical technologies and data analytics for the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies
Maruthamuthu, Murali K.
Rudge, Scott R.
Ardekani, Arezoo M.
Ladisch, Michael R.
Verma, Mohit S.
Process analytical technology (PAT) for the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies
(mAbs) is defined by an integrated set of advanced and automated methods that
analyze the compositions and biophysical properties of cell culture fluids, cellfree product streams, and biotherapeutic molecules that are ultimately formulated
into concentrated products. In-line or near-line probes and systems are remarkably
well developed, although challenges remain in the determination of the absence of
viral loads, detecting microbial or mycoplasma contamination, and applying datadriven deep learning to process monitoring and soft sensors. In this review, we
address the current status of PAT for both batch and continuous processing
steps and discuss its potential impact on facilitating the continuous manufacture
of biotherapeutics.