‘Population Self-Reliance in Health’ and COVID 19: the need for a 4th Tier in the Health System
Madhav Mathpati, Mahesh
Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan
Shankar, Darshan
Porter, John DH.
The COVID-19 pandemic is straining health systems globally. The current international biomedical
focus for disease control and policies fails to include the resource of a population’s capacity to be
self-reliant in its health care practices. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda (‘the knowledge of life’) and
Local Health Traditions (LHTs) in India understand that health is about Svasthya, ‘being rooted
within’; a concept that includes the relationship and balance between the individual, their families,
communities and the environment in creating their own health. This ‘population self-reliance in
health’ is the focus of the 4th Tier in the health system which honours and respects an individual’s
capacity for self-care and their inherent responsibility to the health system and its values. It
encourages the inclusion of this knowledge in the creation of health systems and in the policies that
direct them. Research and practice into the 4th Tier will provide health systems and policy
information into how communities are managing the COVID-19 epidemic. These insights will help
into the creation of future health systems that are better aligned to the ‘self- reliance in health’ of
individuals and their communities.