Drop for drop: A descriptive analysis of blood product usage in a South African tertiary care setting during the Covid-19 pandemic
Shead, D.C.
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a drastic effect on the global community. Blood
products are precious resources especially in the African context and this has been especially
compounded during the Covid-19 pandemic. Concurrent to this during the Covid-19 level 5 lockdown
in South Africa from 26 March – 30 April 2020, a decrease in trauma admissions to state hospitals
was noted. The aim of this data collection was to assess whether lowered blood product issuance
was seen during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. Method: Areas at Tygerberg Hospital with trauma
patients were identified, namely: the A1W intensive care unit (Surgical ICU), Trauma Front Room
(Trauma Admissions), Trauma Resuscitation unit (Trauma Resus Area) and J7(Trauma Ward). Data
of blood product issuance (red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma) for these 4 areas was provided by
the Western Cape Blood Service for the period 26 March-30 April 2018, 2019 and 2020. This included
the stage 5 Covid-19 South African lockdown, as well as Easter for all three years which is
traditionally associated with raised trauma admissions. This data was quantitative. Results: 201
products were issued in 2018 versus 103 for the same period in 2020 for the 4 trauma areas in
Tygerberg Hospital. The surgical ICU received the most products over 3 years with 183 of the product
issuances. Discussion: As expected there was a significant decrease in blood product (red blood cell
and fresh frozen plasma) issuance during the 2020 period which paralleled the lowered trauma
numbers. This represented a significant cost saving of over R150 000 despite increased yearly costs
for blood products over the same period. This data collection did not consider the reasoning for these
blood transfusions or the clinical appropriateness thereof. The author acknowledges the wide
variability of transfusion thresholds and protocols within various centres around the world, including
Tygerberg and was not seeking to prove commentary on the appropriateness thereof in this research.