Admission high-sensitivity cardiac troponin versus a biochemical score for predicting mortality in patients with COVID-19
Kavsak, Peter A.
Mondoux, Shawn E.
Wit, Kerstin de
Rochwerg, Bram
Main, Cheryl
Yamamura, Deborah
Paré, Guillaume
Ma, Jinhui
Perri, Dan
Sherbino, Jonathan
Worster, Andrew
Emerging evidence indicates a role for cardiac troponin testing, specifically high-sensitivity
cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) in hospitalized patients with COVID-19(1). Undetectable levels of hscTn in patients with (and without) COVID-19 may be helpful in identifying a low-risk subgroup,
with higher levels useful in identifying patients at high-risk for hospital death(1,2). Further
improvements in risk-stratification for emergency department or hospitalized patients may be
achieved by adding clinical chemistry tests, such as glucose and creatinine [i.e., estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)] to generate a clinical chemistry score (CCS)(2,3). For patients
with COVID-19, additional biochemical tests may have important prognostic roles such as urea
which is already a component of the CURB-65 score (confusion, urea, respiratory rate, blood
pressure, age ≥65y) used to risk stratify patients presenting to hospital with pneumonia(4). We
performed a retrospective chart review of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals in the city of
Hamilton in order to explore the performance characteristics of hs-cTn levels, the CCS and the
CCS with urea (CCUS) to predict in-hospital death. This review included the first 26-weeks of
this pandemic (ethics-approval:#11425-C).