An analysis on self-management and treatment-related functionality and characteristics of highly rated anxiety apps
Drissi, Nidal
Ouhbi, Sofia
Janati Idrissi, Mohammed Abdou
Ghogho, Mounir
Background and Objective: Anxiety is a common emotion that people often
feel in certain situations. But when the feeling of anxiety is persistent and
interferes with a person’s day to day life then this may likely be an anxiety
disorder. Anxiety disorders are a common issue worldwide and can fall under general anxiety, panic attacks, and social anxiety among others. They
can be disabling and can impact all aspects of an individual’s life, including
work, education, and personal relationships. It is important that people with
anxiety receive appropriate care, which in some cases may prove difficult due
to mental health care delivery barriers such as cost, stigma, or distance from
mental health services. A potential solution to this could be mobile mental
health applications. These can serve as effective and promising tools to assist
in the management of anxiety and to overcome some of the aforementioned barriers. The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of treatment
and management-related functionality and characteristics of high-rated mobile applications (apps) for anxiety, which are available for Android and iOS
Method: A broad search was performed in the Google Play Store and App
Store following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and
Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) protocol to identify existing apps for anxiety. A
set of free and highly rated apps for anxiety were identified and the selected
apps were then installed and analyzed according to a predefined data extraction strategy.
Results: A total of 167 anxiety apps were selected (123 Android apps and
44 iOS apps). Besides anxiety, the selected apps addressed several health issues including stress, depression, sleep issues, and eating disorders. The apps
adopted various treatment and management approaches such as meditation,
breathing exercises, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy. Results
also showed that 51% of the selected apps used various gamification features
to motivate users to keep using them, 32% provided social features including
chat, communication with others and links to sources of help; 46% offered
offline availability; and only 19% reported involvement of mental health professionals in their design.
Conclusions: Anxiety apps incorporate various mental health care management methods and approaches. Apps can serve as promising tools to assist
large numbers of people suffering from general anxiety or from anxiety disorders, anytime, anywhere, and particularly in the current COVID-19 pandemic.