Local and global path generation for autonomous vehicles using splines
Context: Before autonomous vehicles being a reality in daily situations, outstanding issues regarding
the techniques of autonomous mobility must be solved. Hence, relevant aspects of a path planning for
terrestrial vehicles are shown.
Method: The approached path planning technique uses splines to generate the global route. For this
goal, waypoints obtained from online map services are used. With the global route parametrized in the
arc-length, candidate local paths are computed and the optimal one is selected by cost functions.
Results: Different routes are used to show that the number and distribution of waypoints are highly
correlated to a satisfactory arc-length parameterization of the global route, which is essential to the
proper behavior of the path planning technique.
Conclusions: The cubic splines approach to the path planning problem successfully generates the
global and local paths. Nevertheless, the use of raw data from the online map services showed to be
unfeasible due the consistency of the data. Hence, a preprocessing stage of the raw data is proposed to
guarantee the well behavior and robustness of the technique.