Spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on critical healthcare capacity
Cuadros, Diego F.
Xiao, Yanyu
Mukandavire, Zindoga
Correa-Agudelo, Esteban
Hernández, Andrés
Kim, Hana
MacKinnon, Neil J.
The role of geospatial disparities in the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic is poorly understood. We developed
a spatially-explicit mathematical model to simulate transmission dynamics of COVID-19 disease infection in
relation with the uneven distribution of the healthcare capacity in Ohio, U.S. The results showed substantial
spatial variation in the spread of the disease, with localized areas showing marked differences in disease attack
rates. Higher COVID-19 attack rates experienced in some highly connected and urbanized areas (274 cases per
100,000 people) could substantially impact the critical health care response of these areas regardless of their
potentially high healthcare capacity compared to more rural and less connected counterparts (85 cases per
100,000). Accounting for the spatially uneven disease diffusion linked to the geographical distribution of the
critical care resources is essential in designing effective prevention and control programmes aimed at reducing
the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.