The Impact of Food Bio-Actives on Gut Health : In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models
Registro en:
Verhoeckx, Kitty
Cotter, Paul
López-Expósito, Iván
Kleiveland, Charlotte
Lea, Tor
Mackie, Alan
Requena, Teresa
Swiatecka, Dominika
Wichers, Harry
This book is the fi nal product of the InfoGest FA1005 COST Action. InfoGest is an
international network that aims at “Improving Health Properties of Food by Sharing
our Knowledge on the Digestive Process”. The specifi c objectives of the network
are to:
– Compare the existing digestion models, harmonise the methodologies and pro-
pose guidelines for performing new experiments
– Validate in vitro models towards in vivo data (animal and/or human)
– Identify the benefi cial/deleterious components that are released in the gut during
food digestion
– Demonstrate the effect of these compounds on human health
– Determine the effect of the matrix structure on the bioavailability of food nutri-
ents and bioactive molecules
InfoGest is supported for 4 years (June 2011–May 2015) by European COST
funds and gathers more than 320 scientists from 34 countries (primarily within
Europe but also Canada, Australia, Argentina and New Zealand). Connections
between academic partners and industry are also strengthened through the partici-
pation of more than 40 food companies (large groups as well as SMEs). InfoGest
has released several reviews and opinion papers on the topic of food digestion and
related topics (e.g. health effects, bioavailability) and has proposed a consensus
in vitro digestion model to the scientifi c community (Minekus et al. 2014).