Endoscopic identification of endoluminal esophageal landmarks for radial and longitudinal orientation and lesion location
2019-01-28Registro en:
To characterize esophageal endoluminal landmarks to permit radial and longitudinal esophageal orientation and accurate lesion location.
Distance from the incisors and radial orientation were estimated for the main left bronchus and the left atrium landmarks in 207 consecutive patients using white light examination. A sub-study was also performed using white light followed by endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in 25 consecutive patients to confirm the findings. The scope orientation throughout the exam was maintained at the natural axis, where the left esophageal quadrant corresponds to the area between 6 and 9 o’clock. When an anatomical landmark was identified, it was recorded with a photograph and its quadrant orientation and distance from the incisors were determined. The reference points to obtain the distances and radial orientation were as follows: the midpoint of the left main bronchus and the most intense pulsatile zone of the left atrium. With the video processor system set to moderate insufflation, measurements were obtained at the end of the patients’ air expiration.