master thesis
Liderazgo para el cambio en la dirección: aportes para la sostenibilidad de colegios privados de carácter familiar o confesional
Rubiano Bello, Ángela María
Cubillos González, Laura Marcela
La presente investigación pretende aportar elementos de análisis para favorecer el cambio en la dirección (rectoría) con el fin de contribuir a la sostenibilidad y calidad de los procesos de instituciones educativas. Se aborda el estudio del fenómeno en dos colegios privados de Bogotá (Colegio San Viator y Liceo Moderno Walt Whitman), desde la perspectiva de los directivos y de los docentes de cada institución. El propósito es comprender cómo favorecer el proceso de cambio institucional cuando se produce el nombramiento de otra persona para ejercer el cargo un cargo directivo, ya que en su nuevo rol requiere ejercer un liderazgo e implementar innovaciones, a la vez que conserva la sostenibilidad para favorecer la continuidad de los procesos académicos y administrativos con sus decisiones. This research aims to provide elements of analysis to favor the change in management (rectory) to
contribute to the sustainability and quality of the processes of educational institutions. The study of the
phenomenon is approached in two private schools in Bogotá (Colegio San Viator and Liceo Moderno
Walt Whitman), from the perspective of the directors and teachers of each institution. The purpose is to
understand how to support the process of institutional change when another person is appointed to hold a
managerial position, since in his/her new role he/she requires exercising leadership and implementing
innovations, while preserving sustainability to assure the continuity of the academic and administrative
processes with their decisions.
The study on the change in management of organizations is not a new topic. The challenges that this
transition implies in the governance of organizations have been explored at the corporate level, focusing
on the change of standards, processes, quality, and sustainability of the processes. However, there is little
research that refers to the change in the head of government for educational institutions in general and
even more so in the field of basic and secondary education. To carry out the study, qualitative research
was chosen under the Grounded Theory design that allows generating substantive or mid-range theory
that allows explaining the phenomenon since there is no available literature on how to face the change in
management, specifically for institutions educational institutions that are family businesses or institutions
that belong to religious congregations, as in the case of participating schools.
The data collection was carried out from the in-depth interviews carried out with 8 teachers and 6
educational directors of the schools. Based on the analysis and theorization, some guidelines are proposed
that can form an institutional policy that favors the process of change in the direction of private schools
from a perspective of the sustainability of the processes. Hence the relevance that this change in
management must receive new generations in management that can contribute innovative ideas, cutting edge methodologies, updated concepts, innovative and technological projects among others, always with
the awareness that a change in the management (rectory, for example) is an event that impacts, not only
the processes, but also the members of the educational community. Likewise, the change in management
in an organized manner with policies, guidelines or protocols that support this change and help make the
transition favorable for all interest groups of religious institutions and families such as clergy, directors,
parents of family, teachers, administrators, students, and all those who are related to organizations.