Diversity, innovation and internationalization in large and medium-sized enterprises.
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The following project continues the emerging trend in the research of diversity, Innovation and Internationalization and aims to carry out a deeper exploration in the relationship between the variables. The study is based on the theoretical framework, included in the bi-relations of the variables to establish their behavior in the firms. The Diversity included in the theoretical framework will be explored as gender, ethnicity, region, academic formation, among others. Innovation as Product, Process, Marketing and Organizational (OECD & Eurostat, 2007). Internationalization, understood as exports, the creation of subsidiaries, implementation of international human resources, strategies for entry to other countries, origin of income and adaptability to new territories. The study will be carried out with the participation of Medium and Large-Sized Enterprises with some international economic activity with headquarters in Colombia. A survey will be carried out to managers of the companies to obtain information related to diversity, innovation and internationalization. Later a statistical model will be developed (Provit Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis and Main Factors) to analyze the relation between variables starting from the hypothesis that diversity lead to higher levels of innovation which again leads to more successful internationalization.