journal article
Web control and monitoring system : experimentation with haematococcus pluvialis
2012-10-18Registro en:
This paper presents both, the design and development of a monitoring and control system via web for a closed microalgae crop and the results that were obtained using the strain Haematococcus pluvialis. The research was done at Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia) and it aimed at quantifying the growth kinetics associated with the increment of biomass and the development of red pigment inside the cells when exposed to different wavelengths, constant temperatures, agitation and cycles of light/darkness over crop. It was found that for short wavelengths (470nm -blue light) the cell size, the quantity of red pigment and the growth kinetics were higher than the crop illuminated with green light (525nm). All of the above was established thanks to SICOMOAL system which allowed real time control and monitoring without human interference. This increases the reliability of the bioprocess data and gains more efficiency in this kind of research.