Complementariedad varón y mujer
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The author exposes some of the features of the gender ideology and discusses why neither females nor males can go against their own nature without making themselves and their lives miserable. Man and woman are two reciprocal realities, mutually referring to each other; when either of them suffers a crisis, the other one. will necessarily fall into a crisis as well. Human life exists in a disjunctive way: each one of us is either male or female, both conditions consisting of their intrinsic reciprocal reference. Being a male means bearing a reference to / being referred to a female. Being a female means having a reference to / being referred to a male.In this article, some elements are discussed in order to explain the meaning of being male or female; and why other - just cultural - gender alternatives are disjunction attempts not coinciding with the real being of a man and a woman. La autora expone algunas características de la ideología de género y argumenta por qué ni la mujer ni el varón pueden ir en contra de su propia naturaleza sin hacerse desgraciados. Hombre y mujer son dos realidades referidas recíprocamente la una a la otra; al entrar en crisis una, necesariamente entra en crisis la otra. La vida humana existe disyuntivamente: se es varón o mujer, y ambos consisten en su referencia recíproca intrínseca: ser varón es estar referido a la mujer, y ser mujer significa estar referida al varón. En el artículo se exponen algunos elementos para clarificar qué significa ser mujer y ser varón, y por qué las demás alternativas de género, solo culturales, son intentos de disyunciones que no coinciden con el ser real del varón y de la mujer.