Effectiveness of systematic chromoendoscopy for diagnosis of early cancer and gastric premalignant lesions. Results of two consecutive screening campaigns in Colombia (2006-2007)
Indroduction: Gastric cancer is the most common maligancy in South America and East Asia. In addition to the high mortality, in Colombia a great disvantage is the lack of data regarding premalignant lesions and early cancer.
Aim: To evaluate the usefulness of systematic chromoendoscopy in the prevalence of early cancer and gastric premalignant lesions. A total of 950 were invited to participate, 800 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and finally 650 were analyzed.
Results: None of participants had normal gastric mucosa. Mild antrum gastritis was found in 21.8% (142/650), meanwhile moderate or severe antrum gastritis in 77.4% (508/650). Atrophy and metaplasia was found in 14.5% (94/650) and 15.5% (101/650) respectively. H Pilory infection was found in 7.3%, 79.3% 75.5% 57.4% y 0% of subjects with mild, moderate and severe, atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia respectively. Gastric premalignant lesion was found in 30% (195/650). Two subjects were diagnosed as early gastric cancer and treated by endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) with curability as final result.
Conclusions: By systematic chromoendoscopy this series has demonstrated that 1/325 healthy volunteers had early gastric cancer and that 1/33 had a premalignant lesion explaining in part the high prevalence of gastric cancer in the region. Bases on this series, gastric cancer is diagnosable and curable among healthy volunteers in Colombia.
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