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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to observe if there were effects on the vocabulary acquisition process of some students, through the implementation of project-based tasks approach by the use of the learning strategy called Guided Discovery. In accordance with the previous purpose, 28 ninth graders of a public school in Bogotá (Colombia) were the participants of this study. Due to its characteristics the current study may be enclosed in the field of Action research since it let detect a real classroom problem to be solved in order to improve students’ English learning process. The pedagogical intervention had three moments: pre, while and post implementation and the second one consisted on three cycles which corresponded to the same number of topics selected because of the interest they awoke on students. Vocabulary pre and post-tests, pre and post-questionnaires, eight teacher’s journals and students’ artefacts were utilized as instruments to collect data. Findings of this study revealed that students’ vocabulary acquisition increased with the use of Guided Discovery approach, taking into account that high frequency and exposure to vocabulary are necessary. Additionally, that strategy combined with project-based tasks approach led learners to be self-regulated, more engaged, and more motivated with their English learning process, since they were aware of the impact high English proficiency may have on their personal and professional future.
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabana
dc.publisherMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés para el Aprendizaje Autodirigido
dc.publisherDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.sourceUniversidad de La Sabana
dc.sourceIntellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabana
dc.subjectEnseñanza bilingüe
dc.subjectLenguaje y lenguas -- Vocabulario
dc.subjectPlanificación educativa
dc.titleUsing guided discovery to implement project-based learning for the acquisition of vocabulary in ninth graders at a public school in Bogotá (Colombia)

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