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Plan de marketing digital para una empresa de confección de ropa deportiva para estratos 4 y 5 de la ciudad de Cali
Jordan Giraldo, Luisa María
Arizabaleta Jordan, Claudia Alejandra
The present work, considering the context of digital marketing and its use, seeks to formulate a marketing strategy for Natural Sport, after analyzing the existing digital environment in terms of sportswear brands, determining the digital media they use. Additionally, based on the analysis of the current state of the Natural Sport digital ecosystem, short and medium term objectives are formulated for this strategy. As a result of the above, the specific marketing strategy for the company is defined (market segments, brand positioning, value proposition and omnichannel development). This way, we come to the presentation of a schedule of activities and the definition of digital strategy management indicators and their control mechanisms.
It is about specifying, prior market research, the way people in Cali perceive digital marketing and social networks to make their purchases. This research is not experimental but is done by observing and analyzing the phenomena in their natural context. This study is of an exploratory type since it is necessary to do field work, collecting information that seeks to define how the Cali market behaves against purchases on digital platforms and social networks and at the same time is descriptive because it shows the environment. This study has two approaches, one quantitative and one qualitative. The research instrument used was a survey to collect information on sports practices, clothing purchases and the importance of the internet in business sales.
This survey provided results focused on three aspects: digital marketing tools, digital environment of the main brands of sportswear and digital marketing analysis that they use