Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Intervención ergonómica en los puestos de trabajo denominados Temperadores II en una empresa de alimentos en la ciudad de Cali
Fernández Romero, Nathalia
Introduction: The importance of having all the components of an organization and the working conditions that make it up in a correct balance between the needs of the employees' occupational health is vital, which allows an adequate development of the tasks that should be performed in the same.
Objective: To implement an ergonomic intervention that mitigates the negative effects derived from the work to the employees of the Temperadores II workplace in a food company in the city of Cali.
Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with a quantitative approach that allowed the compilation of measurable data, cataloged as a feasible project that allows the elaboration and development of proposals or viable operative models to solve problems.
Results: It was found that it is crucial to create biophysical profiles for the proper performance of work activities in a way that positively influences the performance of the collaborator, giving a suitable profile both physical and skill, in turn determines that the human factor is a indispensable resource of the company, therefore, the adequate conditions for the accomplishment of the work must be guaranteed, since the high medical expenses generate losses in the company so that the prevention must be fundamental to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders to cause of the over physical load and other factors that may be repeated in the physical health of employees.
Conclusion: It is necessary to make both economic and organizational investments in industries, so as to encourage the acquisition of skills of employees, as well as increase the productivity of companies that implement such work models.