dc.contributorCardona Quiróz, Jesús David
dc.creatorEscalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
dc.description.abstractThe tangible interaction allows us to study the products or user interfaces that have the ability to provide people with a better interaction between physical objects and digital information in real time, in a specific application context, thus eliminating the distinction between devices. entry and exit, therefore it is known as a form of human-computer interaction where digital are integrated with the physical world to generate a more pleasant, intuitive and interactive interaction with the user, which has permeated the different areas of knowledge such as education, entertainment, programming, communication, artistic expression and the business environment in search of better user-level experiences from collaborative work. Therefore, the challenge of investigating the bases in theoretical foundations of the existing tangible interaction design models and application areas was assumed, from where the common activities were taken and they were framed in the stages of the life cycle of a system of software and the stages of the DCU models, as a result a proposal of a model for the development and evaluation of usability in systems of tangible interaction from the perspective of user-centered design that suggests the way to build a product from the orchestration of IT components in five stages (planning, analysis, design, construction and testing) interactively and incrementally focused on the user, in each stage a series of activities to be carried out easy to articulate to the development processes is recommended
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Occidente
dc.publisherMaestría en Ingeniería
dc.publisherDepartamento de Operaciones y Sistemas
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
dc.rightsDerechos Reservados - Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional UAO
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dc.subjectMaestría en Ingeniería
dc.subjectDiseño de sistemas centrado en el usuario
dc.subjectUsabilidad del software
dc.subjectInterfases con el usuario (Computadores)
dc.titleModelo para el desarrollo y evaluación de la usabilidad en sistemas de interacción tangible desde la perspectiva del diseño centrado en el usuario
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestría

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