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Evaluación del tratamiento in situ de los lodos impregnados con hidrocarburos, generados en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual industrial del campo Costayaco.
López Ordóñez, Laura Karina
In order to know the operation of the OSE-II product (Oill Spill Eater II) on the muds impregnated with hydrocarbons, a pilot test was carried out on muds impregnated with hydrocarbons from the industrial wastewater treatment (ARI) of an oil company located in the municipality of Villagarzón, department of Putumayo. The test consisted of preparing a six-compartment drying bed, which was classified into two sections A and B. Each section had a piping system for aeration.
To get to know the effect of the product on the sludge, samples were taken for physicochemical analysis, whose results showed that some of the parameters measured by the laboratories such as fats and oils, chlorides, BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Demand of Oxygen), phenols, phosphates, total aromatic hydrocarbons, iron, nitrogen, SST (Total Suspended Solids), sulfates, sulphides and TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons), were outside the permissible limits of Louisiana 29B standards and the Resolution 0631 of 2015, after treatment. Therefore, the application of the OSE-II product to the sludge impregnated with hydrocarbons would not be feasible, making it necessary to implement a pre or post treatment that complements the action of the product to be able to make a proper disposal, since the results evidenced the presence of different substances and compounds harmful to the environment and human health that could represent sanctions for the company, if these wastes are disposed of without complete treatment. The characteristics of the sludges make the physicochemical analysis performed by non-specialized laboratories for this type of materials difficult, so the results delivered have variations that could be considered closely related to these measurement failures.
The application of the OSE-II product in the treatment of sludge impregnated with hydrocarbon, would reduce the economic investment made by the company GTEC (Gran Tierra Energy Colombia) in the treatment and management of these sludges, since the product can be applied on site avoiding the transfer of muds impregnated with hydrocarbon to other places, as well as avoiding the hiring of other companies for the treatment and management of these sludges