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Aplicación de un modelo Lean Six Sigma orientado a la mejora de la productividad en una empresa del sector cuero de Cali
Gómez Galvis, Cristian Camilo
The present work proposes a series of proposals for the implementation of a productivity improvement model based on the combination of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma tools, which together are called Lean Six Sigma, applied to an SME in the footwear, leather sector and leather goods with headquarters in the city of Cali called "KRACK". The methodology used to unite both philosophies is based on the process improvement tool DMAIC, which consists of five stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. In the definition stage, the general context of the company is presented, identifying aspects such as: its general operation mapped with the BPMN tool, existing productive areas, number of operators, expectations of the owner of the production workshop, among other important features that allowed determining the productivity problem and focus the project towards the production problem. In the, control of the takt time and quality. Likewise, an additional point was identified on the control and balance of footwear resources "KRACK", where Measure stage, the measurements of each of the work stations were established to analyze the current state of the company (VSM) and the indicators of the critical variables of the processes were calculated to focus the problem. With the measurements made, we proceeded to the stage of analyzing where the tools were examined such as the current VSM, SIPOC, the sigma level, the Ishikawa diagram. Finally, in the improvement phase, layout changes were made, 5s, Kanban system, to increase the Takt time, where control was carried out by means of the revision formats of the 5s, by means of indicatorsthe record of sales, materials and expenses was handled informally, from the use of "invoices" and payment orders and of orders written by hand on pieces of paper, which were often lost, making it difficult to access useful records to make a balance that would allow discriminating the use of resources. To facilitate some of these tasks, an Excel spreadsheet was designed to allow control of sales, invoicing, production orders, determining the resources used and keeping track of the frequency of customer orders