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Estudio de prefactibilidad de un sistema solar fotovoltaico de 1 MW para generación de energía eléctrica
Ocampo Taborda, Luis Miguel
The following investigation has the purpose to develop the pre-feasibility of a solar photovoltaic system with 1 MW of energy generation due to the interest in the energy market of the Company DESARROLLAMOS INGENIERIA LTDA. Likewise, the search for all the benefices that this technology offers to the society and for the corporation, defining in a clear and concise way the concepts, variables and other parameters that must be consider at the time of taking choices.
The investigation starts with the recollection of data based in different software of solar irradiation incidence from sunlight in the area in mention. Also, the visit to the workplace to know the elements of energy consume and available space for the installation of the photovoltaic panels. This work is focus in the use of the energy that comes from the sun following the objectives of the UN for the sustainable development that aims to obtain accessible energy nonpolluting for the 2030, been at the vanguard off these objectives (Naciones Unidas, 2019).
To accomplish this investigation, the next steps were considered: initially, an investigation about the use of this energy generation in the country was made, identifying the most important facts, like the normativity, actual market, and radiation data, among others. Having the installation place for the renewable system, the calculations and simulations took place to determinate the capacity of generation, usable area and amount of require equipment. After that, a budget it’s made with all engineering activities that are require to adequate the terrain to the system needs and finally, the cost of the project is determinate which represents the investment and work enforcement that the company must have.
The expected results under this project investigation will allow to determinate the viability of an energy generation facility based on photovoltaic panels, additionally, know the actual consume of the work place, promoting the energy saving reducing expenses in operation process, and so, contribute to the company and the environment.
The limitations for this project are mainly the collection radiation data by myself. Because to know the patron of the sun the 365 days of the year, it would be necessary to take the data all those days at different time of the day, making it wasteful work to do, so that why its decided to work with the information given by the ATLAS of irradiance in Colombia by the IDEAM