Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Countries protect the own language before an intercultural world
Murcia Santamaría, Luis Ángel
Pimentel León, Fabian Leonardo
The globalization is one the greatest topics nowadays when speaking about coexistence, but although this evolutionary process just look for generate progress around the world, some societies prefer to keep their knowledge and legacy zealously because of stereotypes against other cultures. The result of this attitude in face on the world-evolution is a delay in the inter-communal recognition process, sometimes the exclusion of important data that is lost. A prior ambition for societies should be to get great intercultural competences; in other words, skills to ease the communication with people from other places, but this are not taken into account. This literature review made a structured discussion of authors with their different concepts about: culture, interculturality, intercultural competences and stereotypes; with these definitions the text produced its own interpretation of the same topics. Introduction
Problem Statement
Intercultural Competences
Rejecting the purpose of sharing the language
Coexistence Rather than Conflict
References Pregrado Profesional en Lenguas Modernas Lenguas Modernas