dc.contributorCRISTINA MALEGORI, DeFENS Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy; EMANUEL JOSÉ NASCIMENTO MARQUES, UFPE; SERGIO TONETTO DE FREITAS, CPATSA; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL, UFPE; CELIO PASQUINI, Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas, Campinas (SP); ERNESTINA CASIRAGHI, DeFENS Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy.
dc.creatorMALEGORI, C.
dc.creatorMARQUES, E. J. N.
dc.creatorFREITAS, S. T. de
dc.creatorPIMENTEL, M. F.
dc.creatorPASQUINI, C.
dc.creatorCASIRAGHI, E.
dc.descriptionThe main goal of this study was to investigate the analytical performances of a state-of-the-art device, one of the smallest dispersion NIR spectrometers on the market (MicroNIR 1700), making a critical comparison with a benchtop FT-NIR spectrometer in the evaluation of the prediction accuracy. In particular, the aim of this study was to estimate in a non-destructive manner, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content in acerola fruit during ripening, in a view of direct applicability in field of this new miniaturised handheld device. Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) is a super-fruit characterised by a considerable amount of ascorbic acid, ranging from 1.0% to 4.5%. However, during ripening, acerola colour changes and the fruit may lose as much as half of its ascorbic acid content. Because the variability of chemical parameters followed a non-strictly linear profile, two different regression algorithms were compared: PLS and SVM. Regression models obtained with Micro-NIR spectra give better results using SVM algorithm, for both ascorbic acid and titratable acidity estimation. FT-NIR data give comparable results using both SVM and PLS algorithms, with lower errors for SVM regression. The prediction ability of the two instruments was statistically compared using the Passing-Bablok regression algorithm; the outcomes are critically discussed together with the regression models, showing the suitability of the portable Micro-NIR for in field monitoring of chemical parameters of interest in acerola fruits.
dc.publisherTalanta, v. 165, 112-116, 2017.
dc.relationEmbrapa Semiárido - Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
dc.subjectMalpighia emarginata
dc.subjectRegressão de Passo-Bablok
dc.subjectMáquinas vector de suporte
dc.subjectPartial Least Squares (PLS)
dc.subjectSupport Vector Machines (SVM)
dc.subjectPassing-Bablok regre
dc.titleComparing the analytical performances of Micro-NIR and FT-NIR spectrometers in the evaluation of acerola fruit quality, using PLS and SVM regression algorithms.
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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