Untying the gordian knot of guilt and shame: The structure of guilt and shame reactions based on situationand person variation in Belgium, Hungary, and Perú.
2006Registro en:
Fontaine, J. R., Luyten, P., De Boeck, P., Corveleyn, J., Fernandez, M., Herrera, D., ... y Tomcsányi, T. (2006). Untying the Gordian Knot of Guilt and Shame The Structure of Guilt and Shame Reactions Based on Situation and Person Variation in Belgium, Hungary, and Peru. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 37(3), 273-292. doi: 10.1177/0022022105284493
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Fontaine, Johnny
Luyten, Patrick
Boeck, Paul de
Corveleyn, Jozef
Fernández Arata, Manuel
Herrera, Dora
IttzéS, Andras
Tomcsányi, Theodora
In this study, the structure of guilt and shame reactions are investigated in three cultural groups (Peru, Hungary, and Belgium) using two newly constructed scenario-based inventories. Results show that it is
possible to distinguish between a structure of guilt and shame reactions based on person variation and a
structure based on situation variation. Moreover, both the person-based and the situation-based structures of shame and guilt are very similar across the three cultural groups, whereas within cultural groups, the two
structures are quite different. The dimensions guilt versus shame and interpersonal versus intrapersonal orientation spanned the situation-based structure, whereas the dimensions control versus lack of control
and appraisals versus subjective experiences and action tendencies spanned the person-based structure.