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Aumento nas contagens de ovos de nematódeos gastrintestinais em cabras lactantes.
Resumo: Foi avaiada a influencia do parto e lactacao sobre a contagem de ovos de nematodeos nas fezes de cabras. Utilizaram-se quatro grupos de cabras, assim distribuidas: SNV - secas nao vermifugadas; LNV - lactantes nao vermifugadas; SV - secas vermifugadas; LV - lactatnes vermifugadas tres a quatro semanas antes da paricao. O estudo foi repetido em duas epocas de paricao. As contagens de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e as coproculturas foram realizdas semanalmente. As cabras paridas em outrubo (meados de estacao seca) apresentaram maiores contagens de OPG que as cabras secas, independentemente da vermifugacao. Os aumentos, as contagens do grupo LNV foram superiores (P<0,05) as do grupo SNV. Os aumentos de OPG no grupo LV ocorreram na terceira semana do periodo de paricao e da terceira a sexta semanas pos-paricao. Nesses aumentos, as contagens do grupo LV foram superiores (P<0,05) as do grupo SV. Nas cabras paridas em junho (inicio da estacao seca), os aumentos de OPG foram menos acentuados. Os aumentos do OPG no grupo LV ocorreram tres e uma semans antes do inicio da paricao. Nesses aumentos, as contagens do grupo LV foram superiores (P<0,05) as do grup SV. A maturacao de larvs em hipobiose foi considerada a principal responsavel pelos aumentos do OPG nas cabras lactantes. O Hemonchus foi o nematodeo que mais contribuiu para esses aumentos de OPG. [Rise of gastrointestinal nematode egg counts in lactating goats]. Abstract: This experiment evaluated the parturition and lactating influence on the fecal nematode egg counts in female goats. The does were divided into four groups as foliows: DND - dry nondewormed does; LND - lactating nondewormed does; DD - dry dewormed does; LO - lactating does, dewormed three to four weeks before parturition. The study was replicated in two parturition soasons. The egg por graru (EPG) counte and tl,e feeal cultures wero carried out weekly. Iii spite of the anthelmintic medication, tho does who gavo birth in October (middle of the dry season) presontod higher EPG counts than the dry does. In the LND group. the EPG rises took place at the third and seventil weeks after parturition. Dçjring these peaks, the EPG counts in the LND group were higher (P <0.05) than the munts in the OND group In the LO group, the EPG rises took place at the thlrd week óf the parturition period and from the third to sixth weeks after parturition. During these peaks, the EPG counts in the LD group were hlgher (P <0.05) than the counts in the OD group. The EPG rises in the does who gave birth in June (beginning of the dry season) were Iess defined. In the LO group, tlie EPG rjses took placa three and one weeks before the beginning of parturition. During these peaks, the EPG counts in the LD group were higher (P <0.05) than the counts in the DO group. Tho EPG rises observed in the lactating does were considered to be related to the development of inhibited Iarvae. Haemonchus wes the most important nematode related to these rises. 1983